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Meditation Apps Help Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Health Wire Logo
29 Jun 2023

Just a few years ago, accessing guided meditations and mindfulness practices through your smartphone seemed impossible. However, meditation apps have rapidly gained popularity and are now reshaping the wellness scene. Indian-origin meditation apps have emerged as modern-day gurus, making the ancient art of meditation accessible and appealing to people from all walks of life.

We are honoured to be featured in a curated list of India-origin meditation apps.

Here is the snippet:

Idanim: A New Era of Mindfulness on Your Mobile Device

With Idanim, mindfulness is no longer bound by limited schedules or travel demands. This app allows users to download guided meditations at their convenience, empowering them to practice mindfulness wherever they desire. Idanim offers offline meditation downloads, progress tracking, and reminders to establish a consistent practice and measure personal growth over time. Explore their extensive library of meditative practices across 40+ categories to suit your needs and moods.

See the full coverage here.