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Exam season: Best meditation practices for students to de-stress and reduce anxiety

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2 Mar 2023

It is the exam season, and students of all ages have difficulty managing the stress that is upon them. Because of this, they get headaches, fever, digestive problems, loose stool or constipation, difficulty in concentration, difficulty remembering, lack of sleep, etc.

The child may be stressed because of lack of confidence, inability to concentrate, inability to recall what has been learnt or due to parental pressure. All these problems can be solved by a proper training of the mind which can be achieved by meditation.

In a conversation with HT Lifestyle, meditation expert and Co-founder of Idanim, Raman Mittal says, "To understand your mental space better, you need to understand the difference between stress and anxiety. Stress is feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Often, repeated stress leads to anxiety. Since we cannot avoid stress altogether, we need a powerful, effective tool to help manage both. Meditation helps with both stress and anxiety."

He further shared with HT Lifestyle, the 3 best meditation practices for managing stress and anxiety for students who are starting their meditation journey:

Mantra Meditation: When you repeatedly chant a mantra, your subconscious mind starts believing it. It helps boost focus and improve concentration in students. Start with 10 minutes and increase it to 20 minutes twice a day, and you will find yourself calmer and more resilient to peer and exam pressures.

Breath Meditation: Breath meditation is one of the simplest and most uncomplicated meditation techniques. This balances the flow of Prana through the body and rejuvenates the brain cells. Being intentionally aware of the constant flow of oxygen within the body and release of carbon dioxide helps reduce stress and irritability and improves the clarity of thought in young minds.

Visualization Meditation: Visualization is a popular tool in meditation. It involves using imagination to experience a desired feeling, such as peacefulness, confidence, or motivation. Visualization can also help reduce feelings of nervousness. During anxious situations, when you visualize that you are watching the waves or the sky and the stars while focusing on your breath, you induce deep calm and relaxation.

"According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 19 percent of the population has an anxiety disorder, including students and youngsters. And I believe that this number is grossly under-reported. Meditations can help you achieve mindfulness and relaxation by reducing the effects of stress, anxiety, and other psychological disorders," concludes Raman Mittal.

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