Home > Teachers > Annemaree Rowley

Annemaree Rowley

Annemaree Rowley

Melbourne, Australia


  • Practicing and teaching meditation for 30+ years
  • Perpetual student and a teacher of yoga
  • Focus Area

  • Classical Hatha
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Mindfulness
  • Description

    Annemaree’s meditation sessions focus on how to use the breath effectively; cultivate strength, courage and resilience in the mind; foster peace in the heart; and cultivate compassion. She dedicates her time to the ‘wellness industry’ especially as she understands the deadlines, schedules, stresses, self-doubt, long hours and workloads associated with today’s workplace.

    Sample Meditations

    Rest Your Mind and Body

    Rest Your Mind and Body

    With this 15 min meditation give your mind and body a break

    Reflect upon your Gifts

    Reflect upon your Gifts

    A series of gratitude affirmations will help you reflect on your gifts and cultivate gratitude.
